It all started junior year of High School, Room 613, Spanish class. What started with an innocent borrowing of a pen and a piece of paper has transcended into a decade long relationship. Meet Christian and Evelyn (The artist behind MakeUp A La Mode). High School sweet hearts who chose to celebrate their love by going back to the location of where it all started, Norwalk High School. Two individuals made for each other, both comedians in their own right. Christian with his non stop singing of top 100 hits songs and Evelyn chiming in with her ever perfect one-liners for the right occasion. Obtaining entrance into the school was half of the adventure of the day, fences were climbed, signs moved, borrowing of desks from fenced locations (Everything placed back FYI) , but it all made for amazing photos and I couldn’t have been happier for the adventure.
Thank you Evelyn and Christian for allowing to capture your love story from where it all began.
Recreating that defining the moment that started it all.
You guys are just great together.