Webster’s dictionary defines a bridge in the following form- a time, place, or means of connection or transition. It was Fourth Street bridge in Los Angeles that connected Paul and Marisa. Each would eagerly cross the bridge daily to have a glimpse of each other and rejoice in their affection and company. What better way to celebrate their engagement than by going back to the bridge that played an essential piece in their courtship. Amazing experience! It’s not everyday I have such a wild request to be a part of a unique experience of capturing the love of two individuals.
Meet Marisa and Paul, two recently engaged fashion forward individuals who looked like they just walked off the pages of Vanity Fair and Esquire. Marisa- sassy, classy and a little ball of energy and Paul- the cool, collective, but full of swag gentleman. In fact, Paul had so much swag that he was referred to as “Paul Swag” the rest of the evening (I stole some of your swag techniques btw). If Marisa was not serenading Paul with her big poppa song interpretation, she was filling him with an infinite amount of kisses. The two are just madly in love.
Marisa and Paul- I had a wonderful experience photographing the carefree love you two share. I wish you nothing but the best in your future as husband and wife. Auguri!
Marisa and “Paul Swag” working the camera. Marisa you look fabulous!
Who knew Paul was a mixologist.
Their care free love and natural reactions in full force.
Table for two on the Fourth Street bridge. How amazing is that?
Hair and Makeup: Provided by the amazing Cortney Ajamian